Fran Hernandez: a life in pictures

If there’s an unsung hero of American performance cars, it’s Francisco “Fran” Hernandez, the Southern California hot rodder turned factory racing facilitator. He’s known variously for being one of the contenders in the first drag race, one of the pioneers of nitromethane use in drag cars, the guy behind Mercury’s Trans-Am efforts, and one of […]

Mystery monowheel materializes

We thought we had canvassed the entire history of mystery monowheels several months ago with our post on the Motoruota, but as this recent photo from the Steampunk Vehicles tumblr blog shows, we haven’t yet seen them all. As is typical with tumblogs, the image came without any information, so all we can say for […]

Hemmings Find of the Day – 1973 Pontiac Firebird Formula

A number of Pontiac enthusiasts were, well, vocal about the Yenko-modified Pontiac Trans Am we brought up a couple of weeks ago. We imagine they’ll be much more satisfied with this 1973 Pontiac Firebird Formula, reported to be one of 43 1973 Formulas built with the Super Duty 455 engine. From the seller’s description: This […]