Field trip to a dirt parking lot, circa 1957

Photo by Rueben Greene, courtesy Exactly where the above photo was taken we’re not 100 percent sure. According to Robert Woolmington, who provided the photo from the Rueben Greene collection, it’s been suggested that the location was either somewhere west of Shaftsbury, Vermont, or possibly over in Saratoga Springs, New York. We tend to […]

Hemmings Find of the Day – 1937 Ford Ute

We here in the States at least know about the utes of Australia, but without having them scattered across the countryside, we’ve obviously attached no culture to them, so a few details in this ad for a 1937 Ford Ute escape us. Can you Australians in the audience enlighten us: How widespread are modified […]

SIA Flashback – The Krueger Special Returns

Some cars you can easily slot in with the rest of the automotive pantheon. Other cars – like the Krueger Special – not so much. As J. William Lamm related in SIA #92, April 1986, it started out as a Duesenberg Model A, but over the years received enough modifications to make it nearly uncategorizable. […]