Six Degrees of Automotive Separation – Pierce-Arrow

Not only have we never used the great Pierce-Arrow as the subject of any Hemmings Six Degrees of Automotive Separation Challenge to date, the marque has barely figured into the responses to the challenges. Best I can tell, it was used just a handful of times in 50-plus challenges, yet it occupies a well-known part […]

Six Degrees of Automotive Separation – Tucker

Frequent participants in the Hemmings Six Degrees of Automotive Separation Challenge will no doubt recall that Tucker featured into a previous challenge, when we prompted you to connect the short-lived automaker to DAF. This week, however, we’re running Tucker through the fox-and-hound type challenge to try to stretch our knowledge of just how interconnected Tucker […]

Six Degrees of Automotive Separation – Haflinger

I was extremely pleased to see Dick Vecchiarelli’s Haflinger roll up to our open car show at Stratton Mountain a few weekends ago, and not just because tiny, obscure four-wheel-drive military vehicles warm the cockles of my cold greasy heart. Instead, I knew right away that the Haflinger would make for an excellent subject in […]