Larry Watson, RIP

Scallops, fades, kandies, panels, Larry Watson was master of them all.
Inspired by Von Dutch, but largely self-taught, Watson began pinstriping cars when he was just 16, starting with his own 1950 Chevrolet, the Grapevine. By the time he graduated high school in 1957, he had enough business to warrant opening up his own shop, where […]

Steele Rubber announces new weather seals for GM cars

For every collector car owner who never drives his vehicle at the hint of rain, there’s another who’ll motor along fearlessly regardless of the summer climate conditions. One of the many common bonds between these two types of owners is the rubber weather seals that prevent everything from moisture to noise from entering the passenger […]

Bricklin: the Musical

Malcolm Bricklin’s dream of building a gullwing, fiberglass-bodied sports car came to a sorry end, with less than 3,000 built before his company went bankrupt. Now the Bricklin story has become a musical, which will take to the stage in the Canadian province of New Brunswick where the cars were built.
Fredericton Playhouse and Theatre New […]