Consumerism at work

Over on the excellent Vintage shots from days gone by thread on the H.A.M.B., jalopy junkie recently posted this vivid photo of the grand opening of a place called Shoppers World. He didn’t provide any context, however, so we’re left only with what we see in the image itself to determine when and where the […]

Greyhound’s GMCs in Chicago

A recent perusing of the ATHS Forums’ popular What Am I section turned up the above shot of one of 60 so-called “trailer coaches” that Greyhound fielded for the 1933-1934 Chicago Century of Progress World’s Fair, courtesy the New York Public Library’s collection. We immediately thought of searching through the University of Illinois’s photo archives, […]

Terraplane’s Ruggedness Run revisited

As we discovered last year, Hudson conceived a nifty publicity stunt in 1934 to get the Terraplane some attention. The Hudson-Terraplane Ruggedness Run selected 20 different 1934 Terraplane owners from across the country to participate in two-week tours in cars lettered up as billboards by Hudson. It’s a sort of viral marketing (or possibly astroturfing) […]