Meet the Pacer and Gremlin that modeled for Cars 2

Following our sighting of the Pacers and Gremlins in the Cars 2 trailer the other day, we heard from Ross Guistino of Rohnert Park, California, who informed us that it was his friend Nolan Dehner’s 1976 Pacer, Ross’s own 1973 Gremlin, and his other friend Richard DeCroff’s 1976 pacer DL that served as the models […]

Pacer and Gremlin in Cars 2!

Oooh, in the trailer for Cars 2, there’s both a Pacer and a Gremlin X! Too bad they appear to be bad guys…
UPDATE (17.November 2010): Here’s the video from Youtube, for those of you who don’t want to go through the Disney/Pixar…