I am looking for this rare Training Model, made by Hohm, of a tractor cutaway. See below for pictures.
I am also looking for a Tippco model that I believe exists. Tippco made a Fuhrer Wagon, a black model that carried Hitler and his top brass. They also made a similar car called the Staff Car, which had fewer bells and whistles since staff wasn’t as pampered. It also came in Sahara beige, a tan/light green color and I have both of those models. I have been told that the staff car also came in a camo version, with a tan and green splotchy look. I’ve been told by two collectors that the model exists, but I haven’t seen it myself. I recently received pictures of this model, although it’s in poor condition. Click here to see them.
This is a German made training model of a tractor produced by Hohm. Please email Rodney Ross, museum curator, if you know where I might find one or if you have any questions or comments.
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hi ,
sorry i do not have the tractor but i have a good condition hohm h-d-73 model car right hand drive
for sale cheers peter
Questo trattore, è in vendita? Grazie per la risposta Giuseppe (Italy)
Hi there…
I have recently acquired a hohm instructional model car with license plate eh-55.
Coud you please give me more background information about this particular model and its forecasted value. Thank you so much for your time!
Looking forward to hear back from you.
Moran Li