Auction Pulse: Barrett-Jackson fires back

Terry McGean/HMN photograph A lot of strong words came pouring out in the comments last week when we reported on Russo and Steele’s Scottsdale relocation woes, and included the text of a press release where they call out Barrett-Jackson. Yesterday, B-J released what the papers would call a strongly worded statement in rebuttal, suggesting that […]

Auction Pulse: Russo and Steele un-relocates

Image by azglenn The enmity between Barrett-Jackson and Russo and Steele is no secret, and isn’t new. Most often, it’s been expressed in conflict over location, conflict I thought was at an end when in October, Russo and Steele announced a new, permanent auction location. But now, well, Russo’s going back to their original location. […]

Auction Pulse: A good week for Russo and Steele

Hand-in-hand with the recent news that Russo and Steele has secured a new and improved permanent location for their January Scottsdale auction comes word from the auction company that litigation resulting from the windstorms that initially inspired the move (still with me?) has collapsed. Okay, poor choice of words, but as of October 27, all […]