Hemmings Find of the Day – 1961 Cushman Eagle

If you have any aspirations of joining a scooter gang, then you need more than just the leather jacket, jack boots and brass knuckles – you need a bad motor scooter, something like this 1961 Cushman Super Eagle with its 8hp engine and Mikuni carburetor. From the seller’s description and the photos, it looks like […]

Hemmings Find of the Day – Consecutive Cushmans

Though we’re apparently into the roof-collapsing snow season even before the first day of winter, those so inclined to ride in pairs with addresses in the sunshine states could do far worse than to end up with this matching set of 1963 Cushman Silver Eagles. Not only are these two-wheeled runabouts in restored and ready-to-go […]

Amphicars and Presidential Humor

As entertaining a notion that a President of the United States even owned an Amphicar is, President Lyndon B. Johnson was a certified practical joker when it came to automobiles that doubled as boats. What follows is a tale from then Special Assistant to the President Joseph A. Califano, Jr.: The President, with Vicky McCammon […]