Frank Westphal's rare 1-of-6 1912 Henderson two-seater
Daytona Bike Week might still be a few weeks away (March 4), but riders all over the Northeast are getting antsy to check the trickle charger and pull off the bike cover at the first sign of 40 degree weather. One of the sure signs that spring will be here soon is an annual trek out to the Syracuse Fairgrounds for Frank Westphal’s Syracuse Super Swap Meet.
This annual event features motorcycle parts, clothing and accessory vendors from throughout the country as well as the newbie Sportster rider trying to get rid of his stock exhaust system and many vintage bike parts scroungers who don’t have their own History Channel TV show. Whether you are looking a couple of matching Shovelhead rocker boxes or you need a bigger set of chaps, the swap meet has a little of everything. It’s organized by Ner-A-Car museum and Middle Earth Leathers owner Frank Westphal; there is a good chance Frank will bring one of his many rare bikes to display as well. Could be his Enterprise bike, the 1915 Henderson he rode on the 2010 Cannonball or one of the rare New York state-built motorcycles he has in his collection. The event, advertised as the largest motorcycle showcase & swap meet under one roof in the Northeast, takes place this Saturday from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Sunday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
It may still be snowing outside, but for riders in this part of the country, mud season can’t be far off, after a trip to the Syracuse Super Swap. Further details are available on the event website.