When we first started the Hemmings Blog some five years ago, we initially meant it as a sort of behind-the-scenes deal, showing what it takes to publish four magazines every month from the backwoods lovely and scenic Green Mountains of Vermont, along with all the projects and trouble we editors get in on a regular basis. For better or worse, it hasn’t quite turned out like that, TA’s Ferrari photo shoot post from last week notwithstanding.
Now, we’re not going to switch gears on you and turn the blog into something else. Instead, we’re going to open up today’s Open Diff blog post to your questions about life behind the scenes at Hemmings Motor News. Ever had a question about the process of putting a magazine together? Confused about how to sign up for the Hemmings Digital or the Hemmings Daily newsletter? Wanna know who on staff has a Dinosaur Neil action figure in their cubicle? (Answer: Not me.) Ask away.
Or, alternately, if you don’t want to see how hot dogs are made, feel free to use this space to discuss anything related to collector cars, to leave general feedback or to suggest ways we can spiff up the place.
While we’re doing some housekeeping, I want to take this opportunity to remind everybody about our rules for commenting: No spam, no commercial posts, no personal attacks, no politics/religion, and keep it civil. Ninety-nine percent of the people commenting here are good eggs, and we do enjoy hearing from you in the comments, but we will step in and delete comments if necessary to maintain an environment conducive to on-topic discussion.