Now that the 2010 Pebble Beach Concours winners have been announced and featured in numerous automotive and motorcycle publications, we asked editor Matt Litwin for some photos of the bikes that didn’t win. Most of these are just as pretty as the class winners and, like all of the winners, have to be able to start up and drive to the podium to receive their awards.
One of the interesting stories of the day involved the third place winner in the X-1 class, the 1936 Crocker. Apparently when Dale Walksler was lining up to receive his award for third place in the X-2 class for the Harley DAR board track racer, the bike would not start. Brian Bossier, the owner of the Crocker backed up to Dale’s bike to give him a tire-to-tire bump start, so they could both ride to the stand and receive their awards. Who says bike owners are mean old cusses?