Just like New York, Los Angeles is known the world over by some of its more famous streets and one of the most famous of those is Sunset Strip, captured on film in 1964 and 1967 and highlighted recently at DangerousMinds (thanks for the tip, Marc Tyler!). Just like the Iowa Department of Transportation’s video of U.S.30 from a few years prior, here’s a great glimpse at many of the cars we adore in their natural habitat and time. The eerie silence of the videos and the unusual composition makes them all seem like they were filmed as introductions to some long-forgotten films set in Southern California, though as we come to see, they serve better as documentary of day-to-day life in L.A. in the 1960s.
So while you’re watching the videos and identifying the cars within, think of what music would best fill in that silence. Even though the eras don’t match, I can imagine something by Tom Petty would accompany them well. You?