Man, I want a dune buggy in the worst way. As in, enough to be willing to put up with the ill-advised and cheapskate modifications and half-assembled projects that will inevitably come along with a dune buggy in my price range. And this dune buggy on a 1962 Volkswagen pan with an unidentified “Manx-style” body isn’t helping me ignore my jonesing like I should. (Not to say that it’s full of cheapskate modifications; in fact, aside from those seat covers and that bundle of wiring under the dash, it looks rather decent from the photos.) From the seller’s description:

Dune Buggy Project, 1600cc 4 Cyl,4-speed,fiberglass body-Manx Style,Titled with 62′ VW Chassis. Needs assembled–was together-driveable and previous owner started a restoration project. He ran out of space so he traded it to us!

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