Many, if not all, automakers at one point dabbled in production of other consumer goods. Nash bought up Kelvinator, Studebaker bought STP (among many others in a diversification spree), and rather uniquely, Pierce-Arrow built travel trailers. This 1937 Pierce-Arrow Travel Lodge Model C for sale on may have been updated over the years, but appears to make a comfortable cross-country companion. We think it’d be rather nifty to see it restored to its original state inside, but we imagine that might mean sacrificing some of the comfort built into it. From the seller’s description:
Classic Styling with Modern Comfort. and easy towing at only 13 feet. The smallest of the three Pierce Arrow trailers offered. One of 97 build. All remodeled interior with Air Conditioning, televison, refridgerator, speakers, new wood and upholstery.
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