* The Smithsonian wants your help in deciding which two of its cars it should bring out of storage to display in the National Museum of American History by voting for one of eight historically significant cars. A Tucker (would that be #1039?) is one of the eight. Voting lasts through January 11. (via)

* Back before the Snowpocalypse that hit New York City, BoingBoing posted about the above “ghost bus” taking over a route in Manhattan. Here’s hoping the MTA puts older buses in occasional service more frequently when better weather rolls around.

* According to Daimler AG, the Gaggenau Mercedes-Benz factory is the oldest automotive plant in the world, founded in 1894. Tachoblog seems to believe that it’s just 100 years old (perhaps they’re referring to the date 100 years ago today when Benz officially took over the plant?), but either way, the former has a fairly in-depth history of the plant.

* Over at BigLorryBlog, a remembrance of the MAZ-2000 Perestroyka concept truck of 1985. Russia’s future was somewhat different from ours, wasn’t it?

* Finally, what if Taxi featured Mr. T and Gary Busey rather than Tony Danza and Christopher Lloyd? One need not wonder; one need only to put “D.C. Cab” in one’s Netflix queue.