* Of all the odd engine configurations out there, I would have never expected to see a V-5, let alone a V-5 diesel built by Oldsmobile, but such a thing does exist in the Olds Museum in Lansing, Michigan, as TurboBrick pointed out in the comments to a recent Hooniverse post.
* Just stumbled across this older post on the SOHC4 Forums with plenty of pictures of a motorcycle junkyard in Phoenix. Incredible. (via)
* The great Blog dos Carros Antigos dug up a couple neat vintage dealership photos recently, including this shot of a Pontiac dealership (Peter’s Pontiac Village or Peterson’s Pontiac Village). No details about its location, unfortunately. Anybody recognize it?
* Every time I think I know something about Jeeps, I come across something like this Willys MB, the earliest known Jeep to undergo testing for civilian purposes – in 1942! (via)
* Finally, from Big Blue’s Online Carburetor, some photos of Little Blue, still in service as a commuter car.