* We were saddened to hear this week about the passing of Leighton Irwin, a pioneer of Canadian motorsport and contributor over on the Garage Blog. Gary at the Garage Blog has an excellent photo gallery and remembrance of Leighton.
* Johnny tipped us off to this one: Apparently, there’s some sort of French subculture dedicated to converting Citroëns to tiny semis. Then again, it’s not just the French doing this…
* In all the talk about alternative fuels for automobiles nowadays, we rarely hear about propane or compressed natural gas. JT Nesbitt at Bienville Studios, known mostly for its motorcycle creations, has decided to custom build a vintage-flavored roadster powered by CNG. (via)
* Last week’s Monte Carlo Rally celebrated its centennial with a class dedicated to historic cars, and FormFreu.de has some excellent photography of the event.
* Finally, over at the Powerhouse Museum in Sydney, New South Wales, they have in their collection a Ford Prefect converted to an EV in 1959 by Roy Doring, a prolific converter of electric cars. Sounds like a fella worth researching…