* More fallout from researching the Antarctic Snow Cruiser and the first car in Antarctica. In the 1960s, the Australian National Antarctic Research Expedition used a handful of bugs to crawl around the Antarctic ice. Heaters? We don’t need heaters!
* One of our favorite artists around these parts, James Owens, has a pretty nifty blog where he interviews other of our favorite artists, including Max Grundy, Tom Fritz, and Keith Weesner. And he shows off some of his own paintings!
* Also on the “new blogs to put in your RSS reader” theme, Cars In Depth this week had a quick profile on the Mikrus, a Polish microcar.
* Another artist, Casey over at Art and Colour, this week posted a few photos from a car show he attended in the 1980s. Yeesh, I hope that Avanti’s grille-hole has since been filled in.
photo via RM Auctions
* Finally, the Detroit News’s story about IGA Automobile, a new investment group, has been making the rounds this week. IGA’s strategy is to buy up a number of “blue-chip” collector cars and sit on ‘em for a few years, then hope to make 15 percent profit. Even if it works, what’s the fun in that? Oh, wait, they’ve already specifically said they’re not doing it for fun. (via)