From the what 5,500 bucks will get you at Barrett-Jackson department comes this gas-sipping Honda Zoe. While it has been well-published that the machines were Price is Right giveaways, the microcar is apparently a rebadged Mitsuoka Motor Company BUBU 501, predecessor to subsequent BUBU 502 and BUBU 503 micro machines. This particular Zoe appears to have suffered a wheel-severing mishap of some kind, as evidenced by the clearly-not-factory welds on the passenger…erm, right side wheel. Replacing the pinched 1/2-inch stock Honda exhaust with an upswept Ruckus unit from BOWLS could deliver improved performance, and would give the Zoe that Cal-Look VW stinger pipe vibe.
The most ingenious part about the BUBU 501 scootermobile was the reverse gear. The apparatus consisted of a chain-geared electric motor connected to a shaft with added toothy wheel, which bit into the tire just enough to generate sufficient reverse velocity to back out of a parking space, or as the following video demonstrates, escape a sudden delivery truck trap and surprise ninjas-on-roller-skates attack! Whether the BUBU 501 is a motorcycle, scooter, trike, or car is a good question to ask your local DMV, but 100-plus miles per gallon is hard to argue with – especially if the microcar prevents getting clobbered by stick-wielding ninjas on roller skates.
(Yes, we linked to this video at least once before, but, c’mon, roller-skating ninjas! -Ed.)