Hemmings Find of the Day – 1954 Alfa Romeo 1900 CS

Nothing against our recent Hemmings Finds of the Day, but it’s been a while since we showcased a really pretty car for sale on Hemmings.com, say, a car like this 1954 Alfa Romeo 1900 CS with coachwork by Ghia. I wonder how Chrysler’s design staff felt about Ghia using the same design language here that […]

Racing the Windsor Castle in a Ford

Another photo pulled from the Ford media photo collection, this one a nice color shot of Eric Jackson and Ken Chambers posing with their Ford Corsair in front of the Windsor Castle following their race with the luxury liner from Cape Town to Southampton. The caption for the photo on the Ford media site claims […]

Automotive Alphabet – X

Several of you who’ve been examining the progress of the Automotive Alphabet have already expressed concern about what I had planned for the 24th letter of the alphabet. Well, as Stan Lee likes to say – Excelsior! We’ve been accepting standalone letters with the marque/model names inside of them for this extended exercise, so why […]