Hemmings Find of the Day – 1964 Rambler American

Should you buy this 1964 Rambler American taxi, be prepared to confuse people left and right. While the “Anywhere, U.S.A.” bit should be enough to tell people that this isn’t really a working cab (nor, likely, was it ever one), and should be enough to keep people on the street from hailing you, it’ll […]

Flight deck, prepare for takeoff…

While looking for something completely unrelated on the Ford Media image site, I came across this photo of at least seven Skyliners coming down Ford’s Dearborn assembly line in 1957 and decided to liberate the photo for any Skyliner fans we have around here. I wonder what reason they had for sending the cars down […]

Lost AMC Dealership Update: Bellflower, California

A few months ago, buried in a post with other lost dealerships, we presented a license plate and business card for Don-A-Vee Rambler in Bellflower, California, and took a stab at guessing the location of the dealership based on the address on the business card. Looks like we were off by a little bit – […]