Hemmings Find of the Day – 1926 Mack AB

Better than the condition in which this 1926 Mack AB is to be found, is the history that accompanies it. That’s what makes something like this really stand out – to know who used the truck and for what purposes – rather than to just see it for what it is. From the seller’s description:
1926 […]

Hot rodders of the 478th

While researching the plywood cars of Ray Russell last week, I came across another unique photo from the December 1945 issue of Popular Mechanics, reproduced above, showing a couple men from the 478th Air Service Squadron with their “streamlined Jeep,” the product of spare time, a wrecked Jeep and a couple crashed airplanes. “They made […]

Reader question: Which cars have the best ride?

A faithful Hemmings Classic Car reader named David Pool has written to the Hemmings editorial staff with an unusual question, one in turn we’re posting for the Hemmings Nation’s feedback. Read on:
For so many car owners today, the daily reality of the driving experience is horrible road surfaces, whether that be due to extremes in the local climates […]