My name is Otto, and I like to get blotto…

UPDATE (28.May): While I meant no disrespect to any profession or group of people with this post, I can see how some people – especially those who don’t get the Simpsons reference – might take offense. Perhaps a different Otto Mann quote would have been more appropriate. For the record, I simply wanted to present […]

Hemmings Finds of the Day – the tale of two Scouts

Both of these Scouts – a 1932 Indian and a 1974 International – came through the classified system within minutes of each other, and while they have little to nothing in common, either intrinsically or in their individual histories, they both stood out for some reason. Could just be the red-and-black combination. Could just […]

Hemmings Find of the Day – 1923 Henderson

Why does nobody build wooden framed cars any more? I mean, aside from the safety aspect, the flexibility issues and the cost of using a nice hardwood over steel. Perhaps the question should be: Why did anybody build wooden framed cars in the first place? Especially racing midget cars, such as this 1923 Henderson currently […]