Six Degrees of Automotive Separation – Messerschmitt

We haven’t seen many – if any – microcar companies in the Hemmings Six Degrees of Automotive Separation Challenge until now, and that’s probably for good reason: microcar builders tended to go it alone, operating out of small factories with little or no help from major automakers (with the exception, of course, of BMW). Plus, […]

Going four-wheeling with the Messerschmitt K-106

A little while back, reader Jean-Claude Marcoux came across a photo of an unusual little four-wheeled, rear-engined car being called a Messerschmitt in an article in the November 1958 issue of Popular Science. The article hardly elaborated, noting that it sat four, was designed in Germany, and would be sold exclusively in the United States […]

Early shoots of green – enviro-conscious cars in 1973

With the OPEC oil embargo against the United States just starting to lead to nationwide gas shortages, the first-ever Symposium on Low Pollution Power Systems Development at first glance seemed rather fortuitously timed.
Yet, as the very name of the symposium stated, its aims were less to reduce oil consumption by making vehicles more fuel efficient […]