Hemmings Find of the Day – 1920 Rock Falls

We’ve had a few cars-turned-wrecker come across our desk recently, and at first glance, we thought this 1920 Rock Falls wrecker was yet another of them. After all, the Sterling, Illinois-based Rock Falls largely built hearses and other funeral vehicles, with a few limousines and sedans tossed into the mix. Our research, however, turned up […]

SIA Flashback – 1956 Hudson Hornet Special

Hybrids are all the rage today, but AMC had a hybrid on the market more than 50 years ago… Oh, wait, different kind of hybrid. However, both the modern-day Prius and the Hudson-Nash “Hash” of the mid-1950s did both get chided on their looks, so there’s at least one thing they both had in common. […]