Hemmings Find of the Day – 1964 Jeep Dispatcher

What a unique 1964 Jeep. Two-wheel-drive and right-hand-drive like a Dispatcher, but with a half-cab softtop. And painted yellow. And it has an automatic transmission? From the seller’s description:
1964 Jeep, 98% original, untouched Jeep DISPATCHER rhd, orig key, title, tires & dealer tag. Not orig is roof, batt. exhst. 4 lug whls, 2wd […]

Planned obsolescence and Cuban auto culture

Along with the now-resolved mystery of the Cuban skycar, I also came across a passage from Richard Schweid’s 2004 book, “Che’s Chevrolet, Fidel’s Oldsmobile: On the Road in Cuba,” that I thought worth noting here (many thanks to the University of North Carolina Press for allowing us to publish this excerpt):
Keep it running. Use […]

March Military Campaign – 9-mile Jeep

One almost never sees unused Jeeps, especially the Willys MB  Jeeps cranked out by the thousands and shipped all over the world. So (excluding the possibility of an older restoration) how did one manage to accumulate just 9.6 miles, as did this one that showed up during a recent consolidation of Army museums at the […]